Order Cancellation
To cancel an order made by credit card on LiftMaster.com, please call our Customer Support Center at 1-800-528-5880.
If the items have already shipped, we will process your request for a return, and send you instructions on how to proceed. You may be responsible for payment of initial shipping charges.
When you contact us, please have your LiftMaster Order Confirmation Number. If you don’t have that number, we may ask for your home address or phone number to help us find your order.
Consumers at their own cost can return an unused product within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Consumer pays shipping. For proof of delivery, we recommend that you return items via UPS or insured USPS.
For Parts and Accessories purchased on LiftMaster.com, LiftMaster will replace in-warranty items, including shipping, at no charge. For parts, Consumers will need to provide the model number of the operator in which the part is used. Refer to product manual for warranty terms.
All return and warranty replacement requests should be placed by calling our Technical Support Center at 1-800-528-5880.